Donations / Book Project

We received many generous donations including:

- Fiji Airways with a freight allowance,- This is our biggest ongoing challenge.

- Rosie’s travel for transport, and

- Pattinson Medical for Thermoplastic.

- Used splints to recycle from Bondi Junction Hand Therapy practice and from the NSW Public Hospital Hand Therapy departments. 

These splints were incredibly useful in demonstrating the various splint styles made from different materials. This enabled us to run teaching sessions with the Physiotherapy department and to have staff practice with the materials.  We were able to assist the local therapists with their treatments with the correct materials. 

- Hand Surgery Orthopaedic sets, Battery powered  drills  and some external fixateurs organised by Graham Hextell at Orthopaedic Outreach.

- We would like to thank everyone for these donations as without them our weeks work would be much more difficult. 

- It was encouraging seeing the local staff working and learning together with our team.  
Our team returns on 11th April  2015, and hopefully we can take all your donations again then! 

- Donations can be made directly to Orthopaedic Outreach and are tax deductible.

- Emilie ran a series of lectures for Physiotherapists in Sydney, and the money raised was donated to Orthoapedic Outreach.

- In 2006 Stuart organised for Qantas to provide 25 networked computers for the hospital.

- We have left many hand surgery kits, and purchased some chairs for hip fractures among other things.

- Ausmedic annually provides us with sheets of thermoplastic. 

We are able to make the hand splints for our patients, and leave the rest which enables the local Physiotherapy department to make splints all year.  

Other projects:

School Book donation Project Henry and Anna Myers

- Henry (age 8) and Anna (age 6)  have gathered books from their Sydney primary school and donated them to:

                 - Lautoka Hospital Paediatric ward and to

                 - Lautoka Primary school. 

This is an ongoing project.  The aim is to create and supply a large mobile library for the children to read. Currently we have 17 boxes of books in our home waiting to get them transported to Lautoka.

Lectures were delivered by Henry to his school requesting donations    and then later reporting back on the results of the project.