Dr Stuart Myers

02. Radiotherapy Research

Research for the use of Radiotherapy for Dupuytren's Disease

At Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney  there is  a long term research project on the outcomes following Radiotherapy for Dupuytren’s.      
Long-term results from Betz et al. ("Radiotherapy in Early Stage Dupuytren's Contracture - Long Term results after 13 Years" 2010) clearly demonstrate the advantage of early treatment.

It is most effective to treat the Dupuytren's nodule within the first year it is noticed.   The problem is that few people consult their doctor in the very early stages of the disease.  

Seegenschmeidt study:
Phase III clinical study between 1997 and 2009.  624 patients (489 with 5 years follow up). Patients divided into 3 Groups:
- No treatment
- 21Gy radiotherapy
-30 Gy radiotherapy


Radiotherapy reduces the progression of patients requiring surgery from 31% to 7% over a 5 year period.